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Drippy, the, Raindrops, raining, drops, waters, cycles, environments, children's books, childrens books, childrens stories, children's stories, clouds, oceans, weather seas, lakes, streams, creeks, rivers, mountains, adventures, science, evaporate, evaporation, evaporating, condense, condensation, condensing, precipitate, precipitation, precipitating, Joel, Kimball

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© Copyrighted 1999-2014 and Trademarked ™ by Joel Kimball. 
Drippy® the Raindrop is a registered trademark.
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Drippy, the, Raindrops, raining, drops, waters, cycles, environments, children's books, childrens books, childrens stories, children's stories, clouds, oceans, weather seas, lakes, streams, creeks, rivers, mountains, adventures, science, evaporate, evaporation, science, evaporate, evaporation, evaporating, condense, condensation, condensing, precipitate, precipitation, precipitating